I've been reading a lot this Summer. As my husband has said many times, I don't read a book, I devour it. This is a very true statement. I've been know to stay up for hours just to finish a book, even if I am tired the next day. Of course along with reading is the buying, and several stores have seen me over the Summer. Being email and Facebook friends with several LDS authors encourages my habit of intensive reading.
Early this summer I was priveleged to meet a wonderful person, who happens to be an author of fine fiction. We have become good email friends and finally were able to meet. Of course, I had to acquire and read her latest book.
The author and my friend is Lynn Gardner. Her latest book is Pursued A Maggie McKenzie Mystery.
Newspaper Editor Maggie McKenzie heads off on a search to discover the truth about her two brothers, who were declared dead at the time of their birth. Her search takes her to England, and very quickly Maggie finds herself involved in a terrorist plot, which might involve someone she knows.
Once again Lynn has woven a clean, thrilling mystery, which will keep you on the edge of your seat and up until the last page has been turned.