Christ's Gifts to Women

- Hardcover: 33 pages
- Publisher: Covenant Communications Inc; 1st edition (March 1, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1608618617
- ISBN-13: 978-1608618613
- Received this book from the author in exchange for an unbiased review.
"The Savior has power enough to heal us all in each and every aspect of our lives, if we but reach out to Him."
Heather B. Moore and Angela Eschler have written a book which touches all aspects of womanhood in such a way as to bring healing to any and all women around the world. They have taken stories from the scriptures to illustrate the gifts which the Savior has given to women, and relate these gifts in ways which I had never thought about before, especially as pertaining to me and my trials in life. Each chapter reflects a different gift; The Gift of Mercy, The Gift of Experience, The Gift of Wholeness, The Gift of Nurturing, and The Gift of Seeing. I was able to clearly see how each gift relates to me as a Daughter of God, and felt a peace which I have felt when I'm reading the Scriptures or sitting in the Temple. The pictures are from well-known artists, and they enhance each chapter and gift. This is a well written and illustrated book, which can and will enhance the lives of women no matter what trials they may be going through at each stage of their lives.